Carlyle E. Hystad's Website

The photos above show: 1: Carlyle & Cheryl in 1958. 2: Carlyle with his four: Greg and Chris, and Cheryl and Cindy, at his 50th Birthday in 1988. 3: Carlyle with five of his eight grandkids: Anna, Amanda, Julia, Megan & Claire (the youngest), in 2013, at his 75th Birthday.

This site contains information on Carlyle Hystad and his family, and it has extensive information regarding the ancestors of Carl Hystad and Esther Frazee, and on the descendants of Carl and Esther Hystad

A Summary of Our Six Weeks in Europe in 2024.

Read the Summary here.

My Thoughts on Fixes Needed in the Federal Political System

Read my Ravings here.

The Extended Hystad Family - Descendants of Carl and Esther Hystad

Click for all kinds of information on the Extended Hystad Family.

Books Published by Carlyle E. Hystad.

The following books are for sale on Amazon Books. All of them are in paperback format, and most of them also are in ebook format. You will need a Kindle reader or app to enjoy the ebook version. Or, you can download a pdf version here at no charge.

Norway Was Home: Hystad Families in America and Norway

This is a 223 page book on our Norwegian ancestors, and the descendants of Isak Samsonsen Hystad.

You may download a pdf version of the book here, at no charge. Download the manuscript here.

You can purchase the book in either e-book or paperback format by going to Amazon Books, search for Carlyle E. Hystad, and then look for the title "Norway Was Home." The e-book sells for $3.00 and the paperback sells for $15.00.

Invading America: Smith, Frazee, Morris and Finley Families

This is a 200 page book on our Frazee Ancestors, going back to the first arrivals in Jamestown and Plymouth Colony.

You may download a pdf version of the book here, at no charge. Download the manuscript here.

You can purchase this book in either e-book or paperback format by going to Amazon Books, search for Carlyle E. Hystad, and then look for the title "Invading America: Smith, Frazee, Morris and Finley Families." The e-book sells for $2.00 and the paperback sells for $9.00.

Minnesota Farm Boy to American Executive

This is a 470 page autobiography by Carlyle E. Hystad. It describes some of the highlights of the first 41 years of his life.

You may download a pdf version of the book here, at no charge. Download the manuscript here.

You can purchase this book in either e-book or paperback format by going to Amazon Books, search for Carlyle E. Hystad, and then look for the title "Minnesota Farm Boy to American Executive" The e-book sells for $1.99 and the paperback sells for $15.00.

Chris Hystad: A Memorial

This is 79 pages of recollections of Chris who died at age 53 after a long battle with bipolar disorder; it includes many photos.

You may download a pdf version of the book here, at no charge. Download the manuscript here.

You can purchase this book in either e-book or paperback format by going to Amazon Books, search for Carlyle E. Hystad, and then look for the title "Chris Hystad: A Memorial" It is only available in paperback, and sells for $6.00.

History of Political Parties, in Otter Tail County, Minnesota

This is a 193 page book on the political parties elected in the County from its founding in 1868 through the 2022 elections.

You may download a pdf version of the book here, at no charge. Download the manuscript here.

You can purchase this book in either e-book or paperback format by going to Amazon Books, search for Carlyle E. Hystad, and then look for the title "History of Political Parties." The e-book sells for $0.99 and the paperback sells for $5.99.